Speech and Debate Club 2024-2025

Club Chair: Jing Yang and Kelly Wong

Chair contact info

Debate club aims to help students develop a love for debate, through experience debating in activities, against their peers, and in competitions. Debating is a lifelong skill, which helps develop argumentation, research, writing, and public speaking skills. Students will participate in many different tournaments and will even be introduced to high school level debate. We encourage everyone, of all skill levels, to join!


Parent Information Night

Time:  Thursday, Sept.19th, 2024 7:00pm-8:30pm

Location:  Tyee Middle School Library


Space is limited. Students will be accepted into the club on a first come first serve basis with priority given to students who have participated in this club at Tyee in the past. Once we review all applications, we will in the next few days, send a confirmation email to those who have been accepted into the club along with the payment link.  Please check your registered PTSA email account. 9/26 - First batch of emails have been sent out. 

Opens: Saturday, September 21  at 7pm

Closes: Tuesday, September 24 at 11:59pm 

Application Link: Closed

Club Fee: $105 per student, non-refundable

* PTSA Membership required prior to registration, please renew here if you haven't done so already. 

  • Meetings will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm at Tyee Middle School. Students are required to attend both club meetings every week, unless excused with a legitimate excuse in advance. Students will also be highly recommended to participate in weekend tournaments that occur around once every other month starting in November. While attending tournaments is not mandatory to join the club, it is highly recommended, and we sincerely ask the parent/guardian and student to reconsider their registration if they do not plan on attending tournaments, as there is limited space in this club



Speech and Debate Club Schedule 

Club meet: Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-6:30 pm

Where: In person at Tyee Middle School


Archive: 2023-2024 Speech and Debate Club