6ht Grade Meet & Greet

The PTSA warmly invites all 6th-grade families to a fun-filled 6th Grade Meet and Greet on Friday, September 20, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Tyee Commons.

This special evening offers a wonderful opportunity for students and their families to connect, enjoy a magician's performance, and participate in a live lottery!

Please make sure to sign up your child if they'd like to participate in the lottery. We will print the names of signed-up students and place them in the lottery box—students who are not signed up will not be eligible for prizes.

Be sure to sign up via the link below by September 19.
Register your 6th Graders: https://tyeeptsa.org/Packet/6thMeetGreet

We're also looking for volunteers to help with setup (starting at 6:00 PM), serving snacks, and cleanup. Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Please sign up using the link below.

Volunteer sign-up: 6th Grade Meet & Greet Volunteers 


6th grade meet and greet recap

A heartfelt thank you to all the 6th-grade families who joined us for Friday night’s Meet and Greet Magic Show! We are especially grateful to the wonderful volunteers who made the event possible. A special shout-out to our fantastic MC, Darcie Durr, and our event chairs, Demi Wang and Lin Zhang. Thank you all for making it a magical evening!