MOD Pizza is giving back to Tyee Middle School PTSA - you can help by eating!

On Sunday, October 29 the delicious and generous MOD Pizza at Factoria (3622 Factoria Blvd SE) is donating back 20% of Takeout, Delivery & Pick up orders to support a great cause -- Tyee PTSA! The fundraiser lasts all day from 10:30 am - 10:00 pm. On behalf of Tyee PTSA you’re invited to join us and eat out, not only in support of the organization, but to show one of your Bellevue restaurants some love too!

Participate on Oct 29, 2023 by ordering online using the code MODGIVES20 or by visiting this MOD location and mentioning the Tyee PTSA fundraiser at checkout. We hope you can make it. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your support!